
Learn about how to manage Alerts.

Scott Hamilton
Nov 7, 2024

Alerts can be the difference between being a part of a multi-million dollar deal or sitting on the sidelines. That's why we built the first to market AOI alerts system that is fully customizable to deliver both in-app alerts and email alerts.

We provide Alerts for four activity changes:

  1. New Rig
  2. New Permit
  3. New DUC
  4. New Active Well

Alerts are triggered every morning and notifications sent immediately after the data has been processed.

In the Alerts tab, there are 4 header sections.

  1. New Alerts - new alerts are the latest alerts that you have not marked as viewed yet.
  2. Viewed Alerts - alerts that you have marked as viewed.
  3. Favorites - alerts you have marked as your favorites.
  4. Alert Controls - here you will be able to enable or disable all notifications in click.

Within the AOIs tab, in the settings section of each AOI, you have the ability to set individual alert activity per AOI. This provides the most flexibility for you to get only the alerts you care about.

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