All about filters

Filters are the key to any analytics app, check ours out here.

All about filters
Scott Hamilton
Nov 7, 2024

We provide 3 main ways of filtering with our pre-built filters.

First, the Rapid API Filter.

Simply input an API into the Rapid API Filter and the following will occur: 

  1. We will purge any other filters that were applied, find the well within your subscription, pan to it, and select it on the map with all other wells greyed out.
  2. Pull the well up to the top of the table and select it, which prepares that well to be downloaded.
  3. Close the filters.
  4. Slide the well card out.
Second, the traditional filters.

We have organized these in groups how they make the most sense to us, from short categorical filters, to string filters, depth filters, then date filters.

At the bottom you will find a Reset and Search button, they do what they're supposed to do.

Third, the API list filter.

This is a function was built to allow you to paste a .csv into the application, in which we match what you pasted to wells in our database and provide a match.

This match checks against API, then matches to the well name, county, state if no API is available.

Once you save the match, the well APIs will be parsed and applied to the API filter for you to search on.

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